

What is about? Trying to answer that in one simple sentence is going to be a bit of a challenge, so instead I’ll just list some of the main features / sections of the site and what you can find inside each section.

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Domain NamesThis is one of the primary features of the site, the domaining section is all about domain names, from buying and selling to parking and monetizing. If you’re into or even thinking about domaining, this section is a must have in your bookmarks.

  • ‘Available Domain Names
  • ‘Domains For Sale
  • ‘Domain FAQ
  • ‘My Domain Portfolio


Domain NamesWhether you want to learn about web development or just want to stay up to date with latest goings on (maybe to help you with domaining) this section will no doubt have something for you. It covers everything from designing, coding and seo to providing useful resources for all the above!

  • ‘Promotion and SEO
  • ‘Websites For Sale
  • ‘Development FAQ


Domain NamesI always find myself looking for opinions on products and services before spending my hard earned cash – so hopefully I too can provide feedback/reviews on things that I’ve bought or used and help you decide whether you should buy/use it or not.

  • ‘Product Reviews
  • ‘Movie Reviews
  • ‘Software Reviews
  • ‘Services Reviews


Domain NamesThe entire site can be called a blog, but this is the dedicated blog section. Every now and again I’ll write something that doesn’t really fit into any of the other sections – so it will end up here. Things you can expect to find in here – life experiences! general rants, current affairs etc. etc. you get the idea.
