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Get Free Unlimited Backlinks

Check out this fantastic new concept in building backlinks and getting traffic to your sites. Its absolutely free and is available only via invites (which I’m giving away here). The site is similar to Squidoo but certainly not the same, it has some very powerful features that will make this a HUGE success. Its set to come out of beta stage within days, the key is to get in early and you’ll benefit a whole lot more!

What are you on about?

I’m talking about a new site called Qassia. It was launched in January 2008 and has been in beta stage since then. The site has over 20,000 users already and is currently in closed beta stage (meaning they are not allowing new sign-ups unless you get an invite).

How is Qassia going to help me?

Promoting a site can be very difficult and time consuming. Site owners are forced to spend hours upon hours doing mundane and unproductive tasks such as exchanging links. Many give up, and splurge on advertising – which is why Google Adwords earns $1 billion per quarter.

Qassia is a tool that allows users to get unlimited backlinks to their sites… but not only that, the more you participate the more promotion your sites get. You’re probably thinking there are tons of other sites like this (social bookmarking / squidoo etc)… and you’re absolutely right – except this site has some powerful features that will make it very popular (in my honest opinion).

What can I do at Qassia?

You can add your websites, and get unlimited quality backlinks. There is no need to pay, or to link back to Qassia. Websites are processed instantly and ranked by the amount of credits you have amassed. To earn credits, you can add “intel” (your knowledge, views etc.)

You can also earn money – real money! Revenue share. But like non-other!!!! You get 100% revenue share… well actually, you’re not even sharing!!!

Did you say 100% Revenue Share?

Yep!. You got it. Unlike other similar sites (Squidoo or Knol for example give like 50% revenue share) – at Qassia you get to keep ALL the revenue that your articles / content generates. You get to keep 100%. So not only do you get quality backlinks but you also earn from within Qassia!

Think about it… you submit your articles / content / views etc… in return you get traffic to your sites (which means more sales or more people click on ads from within your site – either way more revenue)… but on top of all this you also have the chance to earn money (100%) from the actual article/content you submitted at Qassia.  Great huh!

How will Qassia generate traffic?

At Qassia, you will get credit for adding your “intel” (intelligence, knowledge, feedback, views etc etc). The more credit you get, the better your sites will rank. This provides incentive for site owners to contribute to Qassia. Thus harnessing the minds of millions, Qassia will become the largest repository of intelligence on the web.

OK OK… Give me the Invite already!!!

As I’ve mentioned above, you can no longer register on Qassia unless you get an invite – that’s exactly what I’m giving you here. Just click on the link below and you’ll see the “sign-up” button on the page that loads. Click on that, fill in a simple form – and away you go!






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18 thoughts on “Get Free Unlimited Backlinks

  1. i think its quite interesting but how a user earn the credit. will we Cash $ our credit like other sites or that’s just for trafic on our site?
    if i have haven’t any site what should i do then?

  2. You can use the credits you earn to promote your sites. The more credits you have higher you can get your site to rank which converts to more traffic and better serps.

    You can also earn actual CASH via Adsense. You get to keep 100% of the revenue that is generated via Adsense. You don’t need to have a website to earn revenue. All you have to do is submit “intel” – basically write an article or submit content copied from your own site. When people visit your article/content – they may click on the Adsense which will get you revenue.

    You need to sign up and read how to set up your account. Its very easy and everything is explained in the sites FAQ. If you have any questions you can also ask here too.

  3. Hi Adda4u, good thing you spotted that. Right now the site is in Beta mode and is available only in English. But I don’t see why it should stop you from registering though. Provided that you submit your content in English you should still be able to benefit.

  4. i joined the program but when i am trying to post an INTEL

    i can’t find appropriate category for my INTEL

    i am posting a “Hepatitis-C Article”

    can u help please

  5. Hi LovelyLovely,

    Under “channel” you pick one of those categories. It depends what exactly you will add intel about… in your example if your article was about “Hepatitis-C Clinics and Health Groups” then you’d pick

    Organization | Group | Business

    Whereas if your intel was about “Hepatitis-C Cures and Medicine” for example.. then it would go under…

    Object | Thing | Product

    This is because your intel is about products/things (cures/medicine).

    I hope thats understandable.

    Also, to enable Adsense revenue – you go to your dashboard and there is a link at the bottom to add your adsense publishers ID you need to only add the 16 digit number (excluding “pub-“).

    Good luck and let us know how it goes.

  6. hey nice article first i didnt read it but bookmarked it well its a nice article thnx for sharing i’ll sign up thnx alot 🙂

  7. Hi Demonised,
    Regarding your answer to Adda4u, Qassia is not in BETA anymore.
    I’m in qassia, too.
    This is nice to read the good review about Qassia, our backlink powered machine on net today.

    Be blessed.


  8. Hi Isyaias, you’re absolutely right. Qassia came out of BETA the day after I wrote this article. I’ve been using the site quite a bit – mostly reading and learning and gathering ideas but I still think there is HUGE potential there. Update coming soon in a new article…

  9. I will give it a go. I am concerned though, if I “intel” something from my blog will it not hurt site in terms of duplicate content?
    Thanks Solid Namer

  10. Hi Solid Name,

    I was wondering the same thing – but I figured its much better to only post a snippet of intel if its coming from my own blog. Instead of posting the entire blog, post maybe just 1/3 of it as a teaser and then request the viewer goes to your site to finish reading the remaining text.

    To be honest I haven’t received a huge surge of traffic from Qassia – but everytime I do post intel, it brings about 30-40 hits. And its more for the backlinks rather than for immediate traffic.

  11. Yes Thomas, you certainly can, a lot changes in the space of a FEW MONTHS! lol… note the date of this article… Qassia has long come of beta since I posted this.

    Thanks to everyone who signed up using my referral though, it means you’re part of my list and also helps me get some referral credit.

  12. Does it even really work? Because have been really fooled by such programs. So can you please tell me if really works .. or its just like that..

  13. Yes it seems to be working fine for me. It generates a few dollars in adsense revenue each week…. nothing great, but that’s because I’ve only written 5-6 articles. It’s one of those things where the more effort you put in the more rewards you see. As a backlink provider its definitely worth a go.

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