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Over 150 million .asia domains registered.

Domain registrar EuroDNS claimed that over 150 million names have already been registered.

Xavier Buck, chief executive at EuroDNS, explained that, during the general registration process, the registry awards the .asia domain name to the first person who submits the domain.

“In contrast to the previous Sunrise and Landrush phases, there will not be any auctions this time. Our new AsiaDNS/EuroDNS website platform is ready to receive all applications,” he said.

“With over 10 million domains registered in China alone, and over 150 million worldwide, the potential for .asia is only now starting to be realised.”

Edmon Chung, chief executive at domain authority DotAsia, added: “There are millions of great .asia domains still available on a first-come first-served basis.”


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