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Will .ASIA be a success?

There seems to be a LOT of names being registered since yesterday when the .asia extension was open to all to register. During sunrise and landrush a lot of the best names were taken… but since GoLive yesterday (just over 12 hours ago) it seems hundreds of thousands more domains have been registered.

Whats your views n the dot asia extension?

Do you think it will be successful?

Will domainers make money from early registrations?

Which names will do well?

Who will be the buyers / end-users?

Come on! Be brave! Tell me what you think and we’ll see how well your predictions do in a few months time.

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4 thoughts on “Will .ASIA be a success?

  1. too much hype and lots of crap being registered by so many ppl all the best domains got regd already so ppl just fighting over the crap now

    i dont think it going to be great like ppl sayin it will flop just like dot us

    dot com will be king always

  2. will always be the best but i feel pretty confident that .asia will be successfull just because of how it sounds and the amount of area it covers…

  3. I wish it well for the sake of many. My hunch is it will surprise those non believers and a few may end up kicking themselves for not taking such a small chance. It will do well in all areas that .com did really well in, just maybe on a smaller scale.

  4. Dot .asia is the king of whole asia.After few yrs,it is ranking first in the world because of the number of internet users live in asia.Many eu,us companies are as wel located in asia region.We seen already millions of best & normal domains are already registered.Nothing to say more,i proudly say,.dot asia is successfull forever.

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