Posted in Site Updates

It’s been almost a year since I started developing; my domaining, designing and developments blog and it had sported the same funky and vibrant theme since its launch. I’ll be first to admit that I have been very lazy at writing articles and adding content during this time. But to my defence, I’ve also been very busy with client projects and a major domaining project that’s eaten up about 6 months of my time.

Anyway, I decided this site needed some major changes. Starting with the design and layout. It’s not so much that I didn’t like the original template I’d spent hours customizing. Nor was it that anyone had said they disliked the theme. But the truth is I felt it was a bit dated, I was growing bored of that “web 2.0” look with all those shiny / glossy graphics.

So here it is, right before your eyes. The new theme. I haven’t had much time to customize it yet, its pretty much the stock theme I purchased from Elegant Themes. I just love the simplicity and minimal graphics. I’ve got some ideas for customization, but I’ll do that gradually over the next few weeks.

I’ll also be doing some major updates to my domain portfolio, not just in terms of aesthetics, but also by adding another 500 or so domains that I’d left behind all this time.

The links section and the faq section will also get some new content. However, the most important thing is that I will now be able to add new articles much more often than before. So, come back tomorrow and have a look around, you’ll a few new bits and pieces… and some available domain names lists.

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