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Personalise your Laptops & iPods

Wish I’d found this offer earlier, I just had my laptop personalized… ie the front of it completely transformed. It looks quite neat… much better than the plain silver finish with”sony” written on it.

Basically its a big sticker which covers the front or even the back of the laptop with your own design. I’ll upload a picture to show you what I mean later. But anyway, the thing is I paid $60 to get my laptop “pimped up”! I had it done just over a month ago and then… to my surprise… and disbelief I found this site doing it for just $17! And what makes it even more frustrating is that I’ve actually used this particular site before – I’ve got an account with them – and I never noticed they actually do this for so cheap!

So since I missed out on the offer I thought I’d pass it on to someone else so they can benefit. First in-line my younger brother. He got his laptop and his iPod personalized. He sent his design, paid online… a few days later it arrived and the quality is even better than mine.

Next, my brothers best friend ordered a sticker for his iPod and it was the same process… and the quality again was great. Two of my friends have since ordered stickers for their iPods and they are extremely happy with them.

So I thought I’d share it with everyone who reads my site here. The link and banner is below. If you’re interested in something like this, check out that site and see what you think.

You can also get free photo prints from

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