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Rapid Domain Development Guide!

I came across an interesting article via’s daily digest email – its a site that sells an eProduct – a step by step guide on developing domain names. Nothing new right? Well, that was my thought at first… but after reading into it a bit more I found that the author claims his guide will teach domainers how to develop a site within a day. From getting it build to monetized – and have it generating more revenue (within 60 days) than it would from domain parking companies. On top of this, the author also mentions that all this can be done without any programming skills… ok, sounds interesting.

Step by Step Domain Mini-Site Development Guide

There are plenty of testimonials on the site as well as some sites which were created by clients using the rapid development guide.

As I suspected, all the showcased sites are based on WordPress. Which is not a bad thing.

By the way, the site is called Beyond Domaining – owned by Scott Carde “a domainer who built the system out of frustration from traditional domain parking and falling revenues”.

One of the testimonials claims to have turned a domain which was making less than reg fee per year – to making it earn $10 per month. Not impressed? Well, considering the site was built within a day and left alone, thats not bad at all. If its true, then say you build 10-15 sites a month and leave them all… they make $10 each, thats $100-$150 per month. To me it sounds like it has the potential to be one of those “rinse n repeat” strategies which we all look for but hardly ever find (or can maintain).

Now, the e product is selling at $50 (special offer) at the time of writing – and I’m going to give it a go. I’m guessing it will go over most of the things I already know and use in my development arsenal, but I’m hoping it provides a nice ordered step by step process rather than going over the most obvious stuff in no particular order!

To be honest, this isn’t something I really need – but willing to give it a go so I can write a review for others. Maybe it will help me streamline the way I do things? Who knows…! But it has a 60 money back garuantee, so it gives me that assurance to give it a try.

If anyone has already tried this, please feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think. And if you’re considering it, why not use the link/banner below and help me earn some affiliate commission.

Step by Step Domain Mini-Site Development Guide

Note: Just because I’ve got an affiliate link to the product does not mean I will be biased in my forthcoming review. I will provide an honest unbiased review, I promise.

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