Web Directories are sometimes confused with ‘search engines’ – and vice versa, but they are not … What is a “Web Directory”?Read more
FAQ (Development)
Frequently Asked Questions about Development and Promotion
What are “SERPs”?
SERPs is short for “Search Engine Result Pages”. These are the pages that appear with listings … What are “SERPs”?Read more
What is “Social Networking”?
Social networking is generally referred to the structuring of individuals into specific groups – like small … What is “Social Networking”?Read more
What is “SEO”?
SEO is short for ‘Search Engine Optimization’. It is the active practice of optimizing a web … What is “SEO”?Read more
What is a “Search Engine”?
A search engine is an information retrieval system designed to help find information stored on a … What is a “Search Engine”?Read more