is a rare 5 letter short brandable domain name. It consists of a dictionary word followed by a “z” making it extremely brandable. The domain name comes with a pre-made logo which will be provided for FREE in various formats (JPG/PNG and ‘PSD files). is registered at GoDaddy and has plenty of registration time remaining (expires on 30th May 2009).
Comes with a FREE logo (PSD)
As mentioned above, the domain name will come with free logo. The logo will be provided in various formats including a ‘PSD file – meaning it can be modified/customised to your needs. You can see the sample logo below:
Short (5 letter) Domain Name
The domain name consists of just five letters. Finding domains like this to register by hand is almost impossible. All the good and even half decent five letter domain names have already been registered, making this a rare find.
Perfect for Web 2.0
Short brandable domain names are perfect for ‘web 2.0 web sites. They easy to remember, easy to type and can easily be branded. Having the word “Army” in there also makes this name stand out and create great development possibilities.
Example ideas/suggestions for the Domain
You may already have ideas for this domain name but here are just a few right off the top of my head…
- Social Networking Site – turn it into the next big social networking site. What about a cool slogan like “Create your armyz at”. Armyz can be what you call groups, people join and become part of groups or “Armyz”.
- Online RPG / Gaming site – Great for either a text based or flash based game site. “Create an account, train your soldiers and go to battle with your armyz!”
- Name of a Record Label – Again this will easy fit as the name of a record label… especially for a Drum and Bass record label. In fact…
- Artist Management / Booking Agency – For managing or booking artists. This would be a great name for a booking agency, especially with Drum and Bass considering the “army / jungle / soldier” theme. “Join the Armyz Booking Agency”.
Thats just a few quick ideas, but put your thinking cap on you’ll surely come up with hundreds of better ones than I have. The possibilities are only limited by your imagination!
I have yet to set a solid price for this so I’m willing to listen to reasonable offers. You can make an offer via or using my ‘Domain Portfolio right here on
a lot of people say that using a z instead of an s devalues the domain name by a lot, but then again this makes it much more brandable… good luck with the sale!
Hi nasaboy, you’re right. In most cases having a “Z” instead of an “S” (considering “s” is the correct spelling) can devalue a domain name. But the devaluation is only in comparison to the correctly spelled domain.
When it comes to short domain names, “Z” at the end can make them very brandable. They might not be worth a million – but they’re certainly worth something!
Finding 5 letter brandable .com’s is extremely hard, there are more and more high profile sales for completely meaningless 5L.coms. The sales are based on brandability and are to end-users who have something in mind for the name.
This post is about selling, but prices are very low. Good luck with selling, and don’t forget write knowledge!
I think so. Using z instead of s really is brandable. Good luck with the sale. Really great.
The domain name is good and short. I like the idea of opening an arcade with the domain. Only if I had enough cash 😛
And the logo is just awesome. When was this domain registered?
Demonised , i agree with you its not always that x hurts,here in this case its a plus point, very brandlable man ,can be used to run some sort of compaign like “come on be a part of ARmyZ” (site dedicated to making earth green etc) , u know what i mean to say ?
armyZ resembles Z graded security force 😀
where as Z category is the top most priority in some nations 😉
good luck
This is a 5 letter domain name of high quality. Right now prices for short domains is not that good in reseller market. I suggest you to hold until Jan 2009 and you can get a very good Return on Investment.
Great thanks I add your blog in bookmark