I bet this is going to throw a few of my regular users off gaurd! A review for Ghd Hair Straighteners (Limited Edition). Yep, that’s right – hair straighteners. Get used to because I’ll be reviewing all sorts of products over the coming weeks and months. Anything I use, my girlfriend uses or even someone else in my family uses – I can review. So lets get on with this shall we…
These aren’t just any ol’ run of the mill hair straighteners, they are made by a very reputable company (Ghd). They are the latest version (at the time of writing) and are dubbed “limited edition”. Available in three colours – black, white and baby pink.
I bought the white Ghd Hair Straighteners for my girlfriend for her Birthday. At the time I was thinking £130 seemed a lot to pay for something just to straighten hair!! I mean you could get a different brand for less than half the price…
Anyway, its what she wanted, so she got.
But I did some research before I went ahead and bought them. I wanted to see what the difference between these Ghd straighteners and other cheaper versions were.
The most important thing that I think puts these straighteners in a league of their own is probably the ceramic coated plates. I didn’t go too deep into the technologies of hair straighteners, but it was quite obvious that when these things emit such high intensity of heat – and this heat is applied onto hair – the last thing you want is for the hair to be damaged – long or short term.
These coated plates really help reduce damages that are caused by high levels of heat – which other straighteners fail at.
My girlfriend has been using an older version of Ghd straighters and these new limited edition ones were recommended by her friend and hair stylist. He said he’d been recommending them to all his clients and everyone who had bought them had been really happy.
She used them for the first time two weeks ago and has been telling all her friends how great they are. Apparently they straighten better than any other products shes used before and they remain straight all day. She said they heat up really fast and give out very high levels of heat, much more than other hair straighteners shes used.
All-in-all she is very happy with these straighteners and recommends them to anyone in the market for such products. So… there ya have it. The first womens hair product review coming from a man with no hair. Fantastic.
Oh… by the way, I paid £130 for these because I bought them for a high-street shop. You can find them for a lot less online. I recommend Amazon. You are buying from a reputable seller – and you get a guarantee.
And I highly recommend that you be wary of buying them for less than £100 – because there are a lot of fakes going around. Especially on ebay and gumtree. Despite claims of “brand new unopened with hologram and authentic labels” you still can’t be sure whether they are fake or not. Having the fake Ghd can be very dangerous for your hair because despite having the power and heat they don’t have the same high quality ceramic coating. So be very careful. Pay a bit extra from some reputable seller. As I said – Amazon is a good choice and they are cheaper than most other stores.
A salon or even a simple person who tend to straighten their hair must grab this kind of opportunity. You cannot able to get this kind of opportunity that will surely satisfy you to the fullest.